Coursera Machine Learning course Review

Last year I finished Machine Learning Coursera course by Stanford University and Andrews Ng

Is a free course about Machine Learning and a little of Deep Learning created by Andrew Ng and Stanford University. Although it’s free you can to purchase a certificate by $70.  It is divided into 3 basis , videos, quizzies and programation excercises.

You see the videos, do a quizz and a practice exercices, designing a part of an algorithm and implementing and testing it with Matlab or Octave

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Courses to learn Machine Learning, Deep Learning and AI

courses about machine learning, deep learning. The importance of Data

These are good resources I have found to learn yourself Machine Learning, Deep Learning and other AI subjects.

There are free and paid courses and different levels.

Free Courses


Divided into short courses (from 1 to 20 hours ). These are courses to take a first contact with the subject

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