It’s called Löttorp or Klockis, I think they have changed the name and is a simple clock, alarm, timer and thermometer which he sells at Ikea for $4 or $5. A 4 in one. It is ideal to have it in kitchens, rooms, etc. The good thing about this watch is its usability, it is tremendously easy to switch between its operating modes, you just have to rotate the watch. Thus, as you turn, the different measurements will appear on the display. My daughters go crazy when they catch it. With each turn, it beeps and a light of a different color comes on 🙂
I don’t usually buy things to disassemble them, I always take advantage of something that goes to the trash or recycling, but this time I could not resist. Holding it in hand, I became very curious. Will I be able to use the display with Arduino? What sensor will they use to measure the temperature and to detect the change in position? Is there an interesting hack that can be done to the watch? But above all what has intrigued me the most is what the heck is that loose piece noise you hear when you shake it? Why is something loose inside? And not in a watch, but in all.