Sea Pottery

Sea Pottery, what it is, types, collection and more information

By Sea Pottery we understand all those pieces of ceramic or tiles that, like the Sea Glass, are eroded by the sea, by lakes or rivers, although the most common is to find them on the beaches. If you don’t know what the Sea Glass see our guide.

Besides Sea Pottery they also call it Stoneware Sea Pottery. I do not know a name in Castilian, perhaps the translation is marine ceramics or sea ceramics, marine ceramics of grés. Any combination seems valid, but I think that in these cases it is better to continue using the English name.

It is not a very discussed topic and we hardly find information on the Internet. Yes, there are pieces available for purchase on sites like Etsy or eBay, but not many people show their collections or any attempt to classify or normalize them.

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Difference between coilgun and railgun

I am preparing some articles on building a Gauss rifle, and I have noticed the confusion that exists between two terms, coilgun (gauss rifle) y railgun (rail weapon).

Although the two refer to magnetic accelerators, the physical working principle is different.

When I imagined a gauss rifle or an accelerator, the same image of geomax magnets and steel balls always came to mind, and I thought that the YouTube videos were the same but big. Anyway here is a mini explanation.

The Gauss rifle or coilgunIs a linear magnetic accelerator consisting of a succession of electromagnets to accelerate the metal part. The main advantage of coilgun is that you can do as long as you want and in this way the energy required per turn is less, but the counterpart the longer the barrel is made it is much more difficult to synchronize.

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Google Science Fair

If you are looking for information for the 2020 or 2021 Google Science Fair I’m sorry to tell you that the project has been discontinued since 2019. At the moment it is not known if they will return to take a call for the most famous Science Fair, but it does not seem.

I’m used to internet content disappearing. I understand that they stop the fair, but not that they eliminate all the content with the projects and winners of the two years that could inspire so many kids. Right now all the content that existed redirects to Google Education, the videos have stopped working and the Twitter account is with protected tweets.

If you want to see what the Google Science Fair was and the incredible projects that were going on, in this article they are all compiled.

We hope they will celebrate it again soon.

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Rotary Fletcher capstan table

Surely you have seen on social networks some animated image of a table that begins to rotate and opens, forming a star in the center and that ends up being much larger than at the beginning.

Rotary Fletcher capstan table

Well if you are curious you will like to know that it is a Fletcher Capstan Table and that it is worth around $50,000. It is “very” used on cruise ships and luxury yachts

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Best slingshots

There are many ways to make slingshots and someday I will talk about how to make homemade slings.

When I talk about professional slingshots I mean slings for hunting and/or competition.

When I talk about professional slings I mean slings that are used in shooting competitions or for hunting because of their great precision and power. In many countries they are considered a weapon.

It has a stabilizer and an automatic ball or ammunition dispenser. Useful ideas to make a homemade one, especially the stabilizer…

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Toy catapult

catapult toy for children

Let’s see how to make this simple catapult for children made with clothespins and ice cream sticks. It is designed for children. To spend time with them building it and then playing at launching different types of projectiles.

We will take the opportunity to explain different concepts and data about catapults in history and in wars depending on the age of the child.

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