There are many ways to make slingshots and someday I will talk about how to make homemade slings.
When I talk about professional slingshots I mean slings for hunting and/or competition.
When I talk about professional slings I mean slings that are used in shooting competitions or for hunting because of their great precision and power. In many countries they are considered a weapon.
It has a stabilizer and an automatic ball or ammunition dispenser. Useful ideas to make a homemade one, especially the stabilizer…
If as a child you liked slingshots. You will love the following models. State of the art technology. They are competition slings. Yes there are competitions of this although in our country (Spain) not that I know. They are also used for hunting, in many stores we find them as hunting weapons. I don’t like this use, but it is
In Spain they can be sold without the stabilizers. Which seems silly to me, because you can buy them separately.
Professional or Competition Slingshot
Pro Diablo II
The Pro Diablo 2, successor of the Pro Diablo is considered the best slingshot there is
Barnett’s Cobra model. Aggressive and with a design that will make you fall in love. Quality is assured
Previous model to the Pro Diablo 2, which even being less sophisticated in terms of balance will continue to delight any fan
The Pocket Hammer
This innovative slingshot allows us to shoot even arrows.
From the Barnett brand of In Spain it is difficult to find the models I have mentioned. One way to get them, although the price is higher, is to order them from the UK.
In a lower price range and with slings more similar to the ones we’ve had all our lives we have
Normal slings
It is an ideal gift for Christmas or birthdays. To get away for a while when you meet up with a friend or family and play who’s got the best aim.
Barnett Strike Nine
Accessories & Parts
They sell metal balls as ammunition. Much better than picking up stones as we have done all our lives. The Pro slings from the beginning, have ammunition dispensers, where we can keep a quantity of balls and go picking them up.
Also, you have to take into account that with time the rubbers get damaged and cracked and you have to change them. Look how my slingshot has turned out after a long time of storage.
We do find many accessories on Amazon