What is LEGO Boost

What is lego boost complete guide

LEGO Boost is a robotics starter kit for kids based on LEGO pieces.. It is compatible with traditional LEGO and Techno, so you can use all your pieces in future assemblies.

This Christmas the Three Wise Men gave my 8-year-old daughter a LEGO® Boost. The truth is that I saw him a little early. I did not want to introduce my daughter to complex issues, but she has been asking for it for a long time and the truth is that the experience has been very good.

It is recommended for children from 7 to 12 years old. If your children are used to playing with LEGO, the assembly will not pose any problem. And you will see that between the indications of the app and some explanations from you, they will immediately learn to use block programming.

Its price is around € 150 can buy it here.

What is

robotics kit for kids LEGO Boost

It is based on 3 main bricks or pieces:

  • The Hub containing the Bluetooth and a hub with 2 motors.
  • A second external motor
  • and then a color and distance sensor.

The assemblies that come in the instructions are made around these three pieces. But these are the main ones because they are the driving forces. Any of the others could be substituted, but these active parts are necessary.

If you buy it, discover everything you need to know about him Move hub

5 mounts

The 5 assemblies that are explained are as follows. Each one comes with different screens, in which you mount new accessories and unlock new programming blocks. Until you mount and validate that the base works, they will not let you keep moving forward.

robot vernie

It is the quintessential figure, the one that comes to mind when they think of LEGO® Boost, because it is a robot with a “humanoid” shape. It is the montage that most reminds us of the idea that we all have in mind of a robot.

It’s tremendous fun. With Vernie we can control its movement, it moves forward and backward and turns on itself, on its vertical axis. In this way we make it rotate.

SEE ALSO  Ideas for your LEGO Boost

He does not move his arms. We can make him pick up objects manually. And a cool feature of one of the accessories is that it allows us to shoot a LEGO token, like a projectile.

The kit comes with a Playmat, a calibrated map so we can move the robot over.

Frankie the cat


A very funny montage that the girls loved. It does not move, it moves its head and tail and interacts with certain movements, colors, sounds, etc.

Guitar 4000


At the moment, with 2 assemblies left, it is the one that has least affected me. It has disappointed me and I think the main problem is that there is no information about the blocks and since you don’t know what each one is for, you don’t know how to use it once assembled and how to interact.

Visually it is very cool and also emulates what the frets do with color codes with the distance and color sensor and using various levers to activate effects with the hub motors and the external motor.



What is the acronym for Multi-Tooled Rover, something like the Rover (vehicle) multi tools.

It has not mounted it yet, but from what I have seen I am going to like it, it moves and shoots. With that he has already won many points.

The auto builder


This is a mini production line to build miniature LEGO® models

As soon as they assemble it, I will leave my impressions here.

LEGO Boost Thoroughly

If you want to see more ideas and sources of inspiration for when you have already exhausted the basic assemblies of the kit, visit the Ideas post, that we are constantly updating adding new assemblies, and new integrations with more Hardware

Advantages and disadvantages. The best and the worst

Like all products, it has positive and negative things. I recommend it. The truth is that our daughters have loved it and me too, and except for some problems and something that I am going to comment on, it is very fun and easy to use.

SEE ALSO  LEGO Boost Bluetooth pairing

What I like least about LEGO Boost

  • That the blocks do not have speakers and the sounds it plays and what it records is through the tablet or mobile application. It loses a lot of grace when, after talking about the assembly you have done, the tablet you are holding is done.
  • Device compatibility. Buying the robotics kit and discovering that your tablet is not compatible is one of the biggest complaints I have seen on the Internet. I have not had problems, although parity with Bluetooth does give me problems with the Huawei tablet and we have to force it as I explained in this tutorial.
  • The price. Well, it is a high price, it is true, which I think is worth it, but you have to be sure that your children will like it.
  • The documentation. Without a doubt the worst of the whole experience so far. Although the application guides you in everything you have to do, there is nowhere where they explain what each programming block is for and if you have not used it or if someone other than who has assembled it takes it, you do not know what to do with many blocks.

I really think that the documentation issue is something that they should look at and solve from LEGO.

What I like

  • What I like is that it allows children to advance and learn independently and they like this very much.
  • In addition, satisfactory results are obtained quickly. With what we do not demotivate them
  • As it is LEGO, we can make any variation that we can think of with the pieces. And we can use the three special blocks with the legos that we have at home for any other assembly. They will make our bricks really interactive.
  • It is compatible with LEGO Classic and Tecnich

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